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Medical & paramedical centre
General & specialised medicine
Medical analyses laboratory

Doctors’ convention status



It is important to know whether your doctor is contracted, non-contracted, or partially contracted, as this will influence the amount you will have to pay.

A contracted doctor will charge the fees as agreed upon in the convention. In which case, you do not have to pay what we call the co-payment, i.e. the difference between the amount reimbursed by the health mutual, and the fees determined by the convention.

A non-contracted doctor is free to decide what fees they want to charge. They can therefore claim additional payment, beyond the fees determined by the convention. These are called fee supplements. These supplements are never reimbursed by a health mutual.

You can find out about the status of each doctor on the INAMI site.

On the Bella Vita Medical Centre site, you will find, next to the name of each doctor, their convention status.
The secretary’s office is at your disposal for further information.